Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If you're not in a relationship then nobody loves you. Sorry.

We're called to be in the world but not of it, but that unfortunately means that we are still subjected to all the skewed views and ideals this world has to offer. It frustrates me a lot of the time. Once I thought that it would be much easier if we could, as Christians, go live in a remote mountain area away from the world, but then I realized that people already do that, and they're called cults... So I pretty abruptly stopped that train of thought.

Lately I've had one particular topic on my mind a lot- relationships.

Here's how it seems to me.

WORLD: Hey kids! It's your old pal World here! Today we're going to be talking about a very important, very fun thing, relationships. The purpose of a relationship is to have fun. You should try to have as many girlfriends or boyfriends as you can. If you're not in a relationship, then there is likely something wrong with you... reject.

Okay, that wasn't quite serious. But I am serious about this stuff.

The worst part is, so many believe that, or at least something similar to that. Today's society has created a new generation of people that are so needy. They are practically depressed when they're not in a relationship, which ironically happens a lot since they jump at every poor opportunity to have a significant other. I look around, and I see all these people that either are in terrible relationships just for the sake of being in one, or I see the people who don't get it, the people who just can't seem to figure out this whole dating thing.

It's the people who don't get it that worry me. They are told, day in and day out, that unless they have a girlfriend or boyfriend, they aren't loved or cared for. Eventually, they begin to believe this. What could be further from the truth!?

Don't get me wrong, relationships are amazing!
...if you do them right.

They're not something that should be rushed or jumped into. They need to take time to develop. Don't date someone to get to know them. Get to know them, then if you're still intrigued by something other than those teenage hormones, contemplate dating them. Make sure it's somebody you can mature with, somebody who won't drag you down.

Create standards. Stick to them.

And so to my generation I say:
Have more self-worth! You are loved, no matter what your relationship status on facebook says! I'm pretty sure I know of a guy that is pretty good at loving, and filling all types and sizes of holes, you should talk to him.

You might wanna think about this. In the world, there are over 6 billion people. Out of those 6 billion, there is likely one person that will meet your criteria, so DON'T COMPROMISE!


nate. said...

preach it brotha

Unknown said...

bravo. there was a lot of wisdom and truth in your post. i agree with Nathan!

juliro said...

oh spence. i love you.

taylor made said...

brutal title. :)

emily freeman said...

so, my vote is that you write a book called "If you're not in a relationship then you're a reject." or something. I think it will sell a lot. Seriously, great post.

My First Kitchen said...

Maybe you should talk at The Core. Will you yell at people? Because that would be awesome.