Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear Facebook Users,

I do not want to know every second of your day.
Just because you have a cool phone and can update your status every 5 minutes, please refrain.
I do not care if you think Valentine's Day is lame. Write a blog about it, don't clutter my home page... sheesh.
I do not care if you have the hardest test tomorrow. Study retard, don't be on facebook.
I do not care what hours you are working today.
I do not care if you are getting a haircut.

However, if you have to update your status, make it something witty that might make someone smile.

Oh and P.S. The 25 random facts about you- I DON'T CARE!
I'm not going to thank you for tagging me in a pointless note, thereby cluttering my already hectic home page further.

haha i sound pretty upset in this... honestly, i don't care about it that much, it's just frustrating sometimes. i just felt i needed to rant and rave a bit.


alisa said...

Im gonna go ahead and say, you should not be on facebook :P

(Though I do understand your rant. And cant tell you how many times your little wall posts or photo tagging shows up on MY homepage. How dare you.)

Unknown said...

haha this is pretty funny I kind of like it. it reminded me of that time when we got included in that message we couldnt get out of haha

taylor made said...

i agreeee. and i hope ive never cluttered your home with updates. :)

My First Kitchen said...

Now I'm all freaked out.