Wednesday, February 25, 2009

For Every Reaction...

Okay, I finally found something that I can write about. Yes!

You see, I think that some people are a little confused. To me, there is nothing more inspiring, or more frustrating, than a person who is passionate about their faith.

Now you might be saying "Woah, woah, woah, Spenc! How can being passionate about your faith be frustrating to someone like you?"

Well, I plan on enlightening you.

I love seeing people eager to spread the Word. I love seeing people who want to share the love of Christ. I love seeing people eager to bring another soul home.


I hate! And I mean HATE- seeing Christians look down upon others who are not saved. I hate seeing people bash non-believers over the head with verses and pamphlets scaring them into salvation.

Who has ever been truly won to Christ by being told that they are a terrible person doomed to burn in Hell for eternity?

We are supposed to act with love, and if you ask me, (which I suppose you sort of are since you're reading my blog)scaring or guilting someone into salvation is going about it all the wrong way.

If you know me, you know I am adamantly against Abortion.
But you'll never see my car sporting a bumper sticker that says "Abortion is Murder" or any other similar 'catchy' phrase.

In doing so, I could likely turn away people who otherwise might come to Christ through a relationship or influence with me.

My favorite comedian, Demetri Martin, put it most eloquently:

“A lot of people don’t like bumper stickers. I don’t mind bumper stickers. To me a bumper sticker is a shortcut. It’s like a little sign that says ‘Hey, let’s never hang out.’”

That's exactly the way I see those bumper stickers. By placing such a blatant (although true) message, you are potentially ruining any influence you could ever have had on that person.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite same reaction.

"Woah now Spenc! Not again! That's not how Sir Newton put it!"

But that's because Newton wasn't speaking of how people react...

People react in kind. If you show love towards someone, they will return it. If you show (or they perceive) hatred, or any sort of malice, towards them or their actions, they will react in much the same manner.

Simply put- If you give love, you get it. And vice-versa

So think about it. What kind of a message are you sending to potential future Christians, directly or indirectly? Is it love, or hate?

P.S. And about that 'Prosperity Doctrine"... WHAT?!


Unknown said...

This little girl is very impressive...I thought of you when I saw it. If only more people 7th graders were like this-ha! I hope you are doing well!

chels. said...

another brilliant blog, i must say.