Wednesday, December 17, 2008


You turn away from them, stab them in the back, then watch them run away.
everything feels just fine.

You turn away from them, stab them in the back, then watch them come running back to you.
it hurts so much more.

As Christians, we are not only supposed to, but we are commanded to love. Love everyone.

I write this as a failing Christian.

What do you do when you yourself have contributed to the hypocritical stereotype of the church, where you turn your back on those who don't have the perfect record? The church is supposed to be a refuge for all, most especially sinners. If the church is closed to them, where can they go but back to their sin, that welcomes and embraces them?

We are not taught to only love those who are easy to love.
We are not taught to feed the satisfied.
We are not taught to embrace the beautiful.

We are taught to love the unlovable.
We are taught to satisfy the hungry.
We are taught to embrace the wretched.

What purpose is the house of God if not as a haven for those steeped in their sins? Have we lost sight of the true ministry? Jesus didn't avoid the company of the unrighteous, he relished it. He sought out the miserable, the sickly, the pitiful. He held company among the adulterers, the whores, the liars, the beggars. And here we are, with barely the ability to reach out to even one soul in need.

I'm guilty of a crime of omission.

The Bible says that if you know the right thing to do, and still you do not do it, then you have sinned.

I am so guilty.

1 comment:

chels. said...

you are such a good writer.