Wednesday, September 10, 2008

more me-ish

I think it's safe to say that most anyone who reads my last post wouldn't know it was me. Why is this, you may ask. Well, my last post was deep, thought out, and slightly meaningful, and for the most part, I am not. Haha so let's see if I can write something a little more me-ish.

I think I'll start with dropping correct punctuation and capitalization right about now...
everyone always makes a fuss about punctuation and capitalization, but for the most part, people can get by and understand things just fine without them. take e.e. cummings, he pretty well showed that you can be legit and not give a rats hoo ha about punctuation. i like it.

my night? its pretty much consisted of sitting at the computer, pretending to do homework but really looking for the precious parts i need to fix my bike. if you dont know, then lemme fill you in on something. i like music. a lot. but before i was into music i raced motocross. two wheels, that was my real passion. after some nasty falls and a couple of hospital trips i backed off a little, and ended up selling my dirtbike for musical equipment. buttt noww im back on (or was back on) two wheels. i have dreams that are wet (see also: wet dreams) about that handsome bike in my garage. its kind of a big deal.

haha but back to my night... earlier today a certain somebody who will remain nameless drank most of the drink that was meant for my lunch. so tonight, i made two bottles for tomorrow. 3/4 orange juice, 1/4 sprite or 7up. its amazing. the only problem is i didn't have two empty water bottles, and i felt bad pouring them out... so i drank two one-liter water bottles... for those of you who are mathelogically impaired thats 2 liters of cool clear water. i now have the stomach of a 5 month pregnant woman, and annny minute now i feel like my 'water' is gonna break...

i feel a little better having a blog that will probably be recognizable to my friends now. i'll leave the fancy writing to that nate guy and stick to my wild and crazy punctuation-less style. it just feels like its a little more me-ish now.



nate. said...

ha spence i'm pumped for reading your stuff. you never cease to amaze me with your sudden depth and then violently sexual references... haha i love you

chels. said...

you drank a bottle of water and got a stomach ache just so i could have a bottle of oj and sprite today?!

i feel so loved.