Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Day I Almost Drove No More

"Now your just being smart with me!"

"I'm sorry, I've just had a long da-"

"Give me your license."

"...really? ..."

"Not your wallet, your damn license! Pull over there."

So began the almost-revocation of my license, and right in the church parking lot. It started with a rather confused me. I was pulling out of the North entrance/exit when I was confronted with a dilemma. There was a sign that directed left turning traffic to one side, and right turning to another, however the left turning lane was what is normally the entrance from Muirs Chapel Road. I was about to follow the sign despite my confusion, when I noticed the three cars in front of me all turn left. From the supposed right turn lane. So, I did what probably most would; I followed the crowd... (authors note: baaaad idea)

Just as I was about to turn left, the voice of Johnny Law yelled at me.

"You can NOT turn left there!," he drew out 'cannot' as long as he could, "This is a right turn only!"

"I'm sorry, It's just confusing."

"No. It's not." He made sure to make it as obvious as he could that I was a complete idiot.

Now, I may not be the smartest person ever, but it is well-ingrained in my head that opinions cannot be contested. People can't argue about how one feels, either a person feels a certain way, or they don't. You can't just change their mind by arguing... Actually, let me rephrase that; Officers of the law can argue opinions, because they are the ultimate authority before God...

"Actually, it is confusing to me..."

"Why are you trying to turn left in a right turn lane?!"

"I was following the three cars ahead of me."

"So you just follow wherever people go?"


"Lemme ask you something. If it's a 35 mph speed limit, and everybody is doing 75, what do you do?"

(annnd here's where i probably went wrong...)

"74 mph"

"Excuse me?! How old are you?!"


"I have the authority to revoke your license right here! If I think you're not capable of following simple signs! Do you understand me!?"


Again, probably the wrong time for sarcastic tone, but what the heck, I was on a roll. After my slightly less-than-sincere affirmation, he proceeded to ask for my license, all the while getting angrier and angrier for no apparent reason. My lack of emotion/sincerity may have been a contributing factor, but the guy was a douche. If there is one thing that I can't stand, and often take a stand against, it would be people who believe that they have power over another individual for some idiotic reason such as a uniform. Last time I checked, being confused wasn't against the law, and for that matter, neither is 'being smart'. I had done nothing illegal, what kind of a tyrannical sonuvabitch would try to pull something like this...

He then proceeded to ask to speak to my parents, who by chance were still at church. The best part was listening to him tell the best lie ever. I was apparently a snobbish teen that at 18 thought I ruled the world and refused to listen to him when he informed me of the error of my ways. My mom being completely sympathetic towards him made it pretty clear that I owed him an apology. So, I apologized. But guess what! I didn't mean it! Haha take that one you power-hungry pig!

And that, was my after-church adventure of the day.


P.S. Don't ever try to argue with me about how I feel. If you do, you're an idiot, plain and simple.

1 comment:

taylor made said...

I have to tell you how much I like reading your posts. Genius.
Sorry if thats awkward.
Loved this one. They are your feelings.