Thursday, September 4, 2008

This is for you.

If there's one thing I won't miss about election season, it'll most certainly be the herds of narcissistic women spouting their right to choose whether or not "their baby" may live.

I never cease to be amazed at how well these women have convinced themselves that they should be able to kill the most innocent of humans without so much as a second thought. Perhaps they just want to believe that a scared decision made in their teens was justified...

My mother was once pregnant. I believe she was 19. The timing was all wrong and a baby would be much too inconvenient. Besides, the father was out of the picture and she had her whole life ahead of her. A child would only hold her back. So, she listened to the advice of her friends. She had an abortion.

Jump to about 25 years later. She has freed herself from the grief she suffered, reconciled with God, and now counsels women who want abortions. She has matured immensely since her decision and uses the pain she suffered to reach a young generation of strays.

Tonight, it struck me for the first time. I could have had a brother or sister.

The bond between a parent and their children is immense, and yet nothing compared to that shared between siblings. Sure, siblings fight, a lot. In fact, some of the worst battles I have ever fought were between my own siblings, however there remains a certain bond. What I am trying to say (and failing miserably), is that I could have shared my life with another sibling. My childhood could have been spent with an addition.

I love my brother and sister more than anything in this world. I love them more than my parents. It's a painful realization, but I love them more than God... I cannot even begin to imagine how my life would have been different, and likely better, with another sibling.

I guess I'll have to settle for waiting until I die or Christ comes to meet you.

Today is a new day. This is for you.


juliro said...

i really liked this.

chels. said...

this was really good. c:

christ*in said...

love this.

taylor made said...

To hear a guy say this is really refreshing. You care. Thats huge.